Budgie Secrets
All About Budgie Training & Care
Turn A Wild, Unruly Budgie To A Friendly Pet

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About Budgie

Information on Budgie Facts, Care, Temperament & Health

Size: 12 - 16 cm / 5 - 6 inches

Life Expectancy: 10 - 15 years

About Budgie

Budgies (budgerigars) are an extremely popular pet bird, and for good reason. These small parrots make delightful pets, and are usually friendly and easy to tame. While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, they are quite capable of mimicking speech.


The typical coloration of the Budgie is green with black bars on the wings, back and head. Mature females have a tan or beige cere (nose) and the males have a bluish cere, but this is unreliable in some color variations and young birds of both sexes have pink ceres.

Young budgies have bar markings on the forehead that recede with age, and their eyes have dark irises that gradually become gray with age, but again this doesn't necessarily hold true for all colors. Through selective breeding a huge variety of colors and patterns are available, such as violet, blue, yellow, pied, albino, and more.

Origin of the Budgie

The word "budgie" is short for budgerigar, which is a native green and yellow bird in Australia. Budgies are small, colorful birds that are found in large numbers in the desert interiors of Australia.

Free Course on Budgie Training
Learn How To Train Your Budgie Using Its Natural
Instincts, Stop It From Biting & Screaming

Train Your Budgie Easily
How to Turn A Wild, Screaming, Unruly Budgie
Into A Loving, Friendly, Trick-Trained Pet

Stop Your Budgie From Biting You
Train Your Budgie To Obey You, Stop Him From
Screaming & Teach Him To Perform Tricks

Special Characteristics

  • Not all Budgerigars are easily tamed. But once tamed, the budgerigar can be taught to talk, but only in "parrot-fashion."

  • Some Budgies may be sensitive while others might get into mischief at every opportunity.

  • Well-trained Budgies are a delight in your life but stubborn ones can wreak disaster.

  • Some Budgies are stubborn by nature while others are very sweet.

Wiggles, The Cute Budgie


The Budgies are friendly, cheerful companions for all age groups, and are particularly suitable for flats and other situations where a larger pet may not be practicable. Basically, gentle and docile bird, Budgies are very easy to tame if acquired at a young age. They are also very playful and active, and quieter than some other parrots although some of them can still be noisy.

Budgie As A Pet

The Budgies are quite famous as pets. Budgies are quite birds and are of non-destructive nature. With proper training and attention they turn into great pets. Their gentle and entertaining nature helps them to bond with the entire family members. Budgies possess imitating and acrobatic skills.

However, Budgies come with different personalities. Some are cute and sweet and some are stubborn while some are sensitive. They also love getting into mischief. With careful training and guidance Budgies can develop amazing vocabulary list.

Learn how to fully train your Budgie and control his behavior


The cage shape is also very important for the bird. Square or rectangular cages are more appropriate for parrots. Before buying the cage, do a thorough checking of the security mechanism.

The Budgies are active and playful and should have a large cage to allow room for toys and exercise. Horizontal cage bars offer the best opportunity for climbing and exercise. There should be space to place at least a couple of perches at different levels with enough space to comfortably move between them. Offering a variety of perch sizes will help keep the feet in good shape.

Even with a large cage, Budgies need play and socialization time outside of the cage as well. Keeping the wings trimmed is a good idea though, to prevent escapes.

Cage size should be:

  • Budgies need approximately: 18" W x 18" H x 24" D

  • Bar spacing: 1/2" or less

Learn more about Budgie cages

Free Course on Budgie Training
Learn How To Train Your Budgie Using Its Natural
Instincts, Stop It From Biting & Screaming

Train Your Budgie Easily
How to Turn A Wild, Screaming, Unruly Budgie
Into A Loving, Friendly, Trick-Trained Pet

Stop Your Budgie From Biting You
Train Your Budgie To Obey You, Stop Him From
Screaming & Teach Him To Perform Tricks


Since commercial food does not meet your bird's nutritional needs, a Budgie strives best on grains, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, pellets and meats.

  • Small hookbill.
  • Small or mini pellets.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • In the while they eat fruit and berries, so these can be a nice addition to the diet.
  • Some whole grains such as cooked quinoa, sprouted bread, and millet on occasion.

Vitamin and calcium supplements should be added in their diet from time to time. Remember, your pet's diet will improve its health and will keep it content.

What is the Ideal Diet For Your Budgie

Health Issues

Although hardy birds, but the Budgies are prone to accidents owing to their small size. They are also very sensitive to their environment; therefore, hygiene and cleanliness must be maintained. Water should be changed everyday and food should not be kept over 3 hours in the cage. Clean their cage with anti-bacterial solutions from time to time.

Usually active, energetic and healthy, Budgie can suffer from common diseases like any other Budgies. These health issues are:

  • loss of appetite

  • diarrhea

  • Anorexia

  • lethargy

  • weight loss

  • feather plucking

  • beak swelling

  • wheezing or coughing

  • favoring one foot

  • eye or nasal discharge

  • red or swollen eyes

Care should be taken while trimming your bird's feathers.

How To Keep Your Budgie Healthy?

Free Online Seminars on Training Your Budgie: Join our training experts on one of our FREE online seminars and learn how to train and take care of your Budgie correctly.

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