For All Parrot Lovers Who Want A Happier, Even Hilarious Bird...
"Want An Amazing Collection Of Professional Parrot Training Secrets To Honestly Work Bird Miracles?""Do you make these common mistakes with your Parrot ?
Start Seeing Results Immediately,
And Amazing
No More Earplugs, No More Gloves... And
For Goodness
Kiss Your Parrot Related Frustration Good-Bye Forever... Say "Hello" To Guaranteed Heart-Warming Fun And Joy!
"The e- book on bird health is GREAT!!! There was so much I didn't know about this topic."
I have a parrot that is aggressive about his cage and he don't like to be petted, so I am using 2 wooden dowels as you talked about so I can tame him enough to pet him. The e- book on bird health is GREAT!!! There was so much I didn't know about this topic. But having this information makes me feel that I will keep my babies as healthy as possible. You need to keep the e-books coming and I will refer you to anyone that has birds and would like to become more educated. Thank you so much for helping me with my birds! Wanda Bucklew,
"...but after reading your book I can now see where I went wrong before!"
Parrots are actually very intelligent and friendly pets! My family and I have applied your "secrets" and we have not only learned a great deal about the species, but have also had great results! Our parrot is very much a part of our family! We have even established a evening routine. Of course, the kids let him out daily after school, but during the afternoon/evening routine, is the part I enjoy most. "Purple" as we call him, is so affectionate and social I can hardly believe it! My previous birds flew away from us, biting us if we ever got too close, but Purple actually flies to us! He goes from one family member to the next, over and over (even my "rowdy" 3-year old) and affectionately "cleans" or "kissing" each of us as he goes along. He is even attempting to make friends with our cat! Thank you for being interested in your customers! :) I am looking forward to reading your entire book, because I know there is much more to learn. Jennifer Calate "... I will read your course over and over again, it is a great reference guide."I have been meaning to write and let you know how very useful and informative I found your bird training course. As a first-time Parrot owner I was impressed with the wealth of information on my bird's diet, health and behaviour. The section on interpreting my bird's body language was particularly useful as it taught me to gauge T'wee's moods and determine how and when to approach him just by watching what he does. Prior to reading the training course, I had only a limited idea of the intelligence, memory and learning capabilities of parrots. Now my adolescent bird is talking and singing a blue streak, yawning every time we say "night-night" to him, and learning to shake hands. Your course has enabled me and my family to bring out the best in our bird; we enjoy teaching and playing with him and are constantly amazed at how quickly he is able to learn new things using the simple but effective methods we have learned from your e-book. I recommend it to any bird owner who wants the best for their pet Thanks again-- I will read your course over and over again, it is a great reference guide. Linda Strathdee "... I thouroughly have faith in your training course... Thanks from Cheeky and I"I immediately purchased your training course for fear of ending up with an uncontrollable bird. Cheeky did not want to come to me but ran from me and nipped a little. I started putting Cheeky with me in the kitchen when I cooked, he sits in an old colander hanging above my sink, and I also take Cheeky in the shower with me just to spend some quality time. Much better and is not so nippy. Cheeky is also starting to try to talk too. I started with something simple. I make the kissy sound then say Kiss Kiss. After the first day, Cheeky started to try to repeat the word. The kissy sound is perfect but the words Kiss Kiss still are somewhat scratchy. I'm sure he will improve. I thouroughly have faith in your training course and am sure Cheeky will come a long way. Thanks from Cheeky and I Ginger L. Wagner
Want To Stop That Bad Bird Behavior... Like Biting And Screaming, Or Whatever It May Be... Forever?
BOOK TWO : "How To Get My Parrot To Love Me" Look at what's inside...
Three Good Reasons Why You Should Act Now!
Reason # 1 To Act Now
P.S. You may be inadvertently encouraging your Parrot's bad behavior, don't you think you owe it to yourself and your Parrot to find out? Your Parrot really will love you more for this... it's natural, any living being that feels understood, well cared for, and safe, will spontaneously give back such love. P.P.S. Do take advantage of this very low price of $39.95 with $ 137.17 worth of FREE bonuses before these special bonuses disappear. With my 100% guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Click Here To Order And Download Now On A Secure Server For only
"Boy! Was I Sensible... It Was More Than Worth It!"Hi, I'm a stranger to downloading E-books and was a little worried if I was doing the right thing... but I finally made up my mind... What did I have to lose? Even the price you were asking was not going to break the Bank... it has to be worth it I thought ... Boy! was I sensible... It was more than worth it!... Downloading your book or should I say books was so simple that I didn't believe that they had downloaded... Sure enough there they were... so quick... so simple... so worthwhile. I found your information extremely valuable. Plus...this is a BIG plus...your enthusiasm in your writing is overwhelming... This straight forward... no nonsense composite guide has to be one of the best reads I've encountered on the well being and upkeep, plus easy training techniques on Parrots... and I've read loads believe me. If you own a Parrot and are reading this and are in any doubt... like I was ...then think it over and ask yourself will this book make a difference... a real difference? Can the training work for me and my Parrot... will we really find it that easy?... Yes...Yes... and Yes is the answer... Victor
"... Keep up the good work and if you come up with new stuff let me know."I have found that the best part of your course is in the educating yourself on behalf of your bird and learning why they do what they do. You also stress the part of spending quality time and the placing of your bird in the house where they can see and hear you. We have an eight month old parrot and already it is spoiled and thinks it is and has always been a part of the family. I can't remember having so much fun. Gracie jumps down off her perch and wonders through the house looking for me if I stay old, her vocabulary is amazing. She rattles on for 45 minutes at a time. She is constantly learning new words and phrases. I believe it is because where I read that you should spend quality time with them and become their friend. She has bonded with both my wife and me and either one of can and does feed and baths her. She likes to sit on my shoulder and watch t.v. while i feed her sun flower seeds.She has from spending time, learned to trust me and I am sure that I now have been adopted as part of her flock. Keep up the good work and if you come up with new stuff let me know. Pastor
Brian Adams "i am very glad we purchased your training couse... it will help us in the long run"I am writing back about your training course. My husband and i have been reading and searching for the right bird for us we have actually decided to go with a parrot at petsmart in burnsville minnesota. However we have spent alot of time looking, holding, and playing with all different birds. I have read some of your training course and it has helped minumize alot if pet stores that dont take care of there birds properly. i am very glad we purchased your training couse and i believe it will help us in the long run with our dusky. Andrea
has now really become the family bird...
received results within 10 days! |
Where do I start about your training course, first I have been involved with avians of all sorts but particularly parrots since I was 8 years old... dating myself that would be 37 years. I have always been to many bird seminars & I have tried to read everything I can get my hands on about information that I had not previously learned about or read elsewhere.
I had for the most part been a parrot person. Your course has been especially helpful in getting my parrot, Gabby started on her speech, in less than 2 weeks she now says " Hi Gabby, Hello, Love you too & Gabby like?" I couldn't believe how quickly she started & how soon she perfected the words, she speaks very clearly.
We are currently working on some trick ideas, as my daughter wants to be on "Pet Stars" and is determined to take Gabby to Hollywood.
I have shared some of your information on the biting & screaming issues with a dear friend of mine (although I advised her to purchase them for herself, which I believe she did), whom rescued a Double yellow head, who had all his negitive behaviors reinforced by his previous owners. She is reporting no blood draw for over a week, and the screaming stops with just a little "flock whistle" when she leaves the room.
So I must thank you so much for myself, as well as my girlfriend she was really getting close to the end which would've meant I would have inherrited her bird & I am really quite content at the moment with my pet numbers, so thank you again for saving me from adopting one more parrot in need of reform, by helping my girlfriend through your training courses, to gain confidence, be able to read his body language & get the upper hand back.
Thank you so much for your courses they are wonderful, and anyone thinking of getting a parrot should purchase them as well as anyone currently sharing their life with a parrot or parrots.
Snyder Oyen
Novato, California
received benefits within 1 day! |