This privacy policy will be effective from 09 Mar, 2025.
We do not spam. If you receive any unsolicited bulk email mentioning the domain, please report it to us immediately. We shall investigate and deal with your complaint promptly. We have a zero tolerance approach towards spam.
This web site may collect personally identifiable information about you. The information may include your name, your email address, your location and mailing address, and your phone number.
Your personally identifiable information may be used to send you emails or postal mails about special offers that may be relevant to you. Your personally identifiable information may be disclosed to third parties who may be interested in sending you emails or postal mails about special offers that may be relevant to you.
You may ask us to provide you with the details of your personally identifiable information that is stored with us or you may request changes to your personally identifiable information that is stored with us by sending an email to the email address that is noted in the bottom of the first page that you are taken to when you go to
We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. The fact that this privacy policy has changed will be communicated to you by means of a notice that will be put up at the bottom of this page. It is your responsibility to monitor this page on a regular basis for any changes to this privacy policy.