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Subscribing to our FREE Course on Cockatoo Training Course will help you learn the right methods to take to stop your Cockatoo from screaming. You will also learn why the following actions should never be performed:

  • Cover the cage.
  • Put the bird back when it’s bad.
  • Throw things at the bird/cage.
  • Yell at the bird.

Did you know that having a unruly Cockatoo is like living with a disaster?

Owning a Cockatoo can be quite an adventure! But having an unruly and untrained Cockatoo can also be a disaster! Therefore it is very important to teach your Cockatoo to obey your verbal commands. This establishes your household’s pecking order and also sets the stage for a life time of happiness for you, your family and friends and your Cockatoo.

Would you like to learn which verbal commands to teach your Cockatoo that will grab his attention and have him respond appropriately? Our Cockatoo Training Course will teach these amazing, yet simple, and effective commands!

One of the most well-known commands is the “UP” command. Teach the “Up” command whenever you want your Cockatoo to step up onto your finger. As you say the command, gently press your finger against your Cockatoos chest bone, this will cause your Cockatoo to naturally step up onto your finger.

Would you like to learn what the other behavior training words are? Then sign up for our Cockatoo Training Course right now!

Do you enjoy spending time with your Cockatoo outside of his cage, say on his T-Perch or even your shoulder? Do you have a designated ‘bird shirt’ that you wear when interacting with your Cockatoo because you are afraid of getting bird poop on your nice, clean and respectable shirt? Do you often have to cut playtime short because of ‘accidents’?

Well what if you could potty train your Cockatoo? Would that increase your interactional playtime? How about your clothes? Just think: no more bird shirts!

Our Cockatoo Training Course describes the process to potty train your bird straight away! Avoid the Stress and the Mess! Sign up today!

Do you know what behaviors your Cockatoo exhibits when he is getting ready to poop? Learning the particular signs of your Cockatoo enables you to anticipate when he is about to go to the bathroom and to intervene for training. Our Cockatoo Training Course will guide you through these behaviours so you will know exactly when your Cockatoo needs to go potty. Talk about a pre-emptive strike!

Remember, Cockatoos are very smart, and if taught correctly, will be able to learn a wide range of commands. You should always try to stick to a set schedule each day to work with your Cockatoo. Cockatoos’ function very well with schedules and will even come to look forward to their training time with you. Plus, if you practice on a regular basis, your Cockatoo will pick up the skill you are teaching much, much faster.

Cockatoos are flock creatures and they want to be a part of their flock all the time, and you are part of their flock! Our Cockatoo Training Course will explain exactly how to create your household flock so everybody and ‘everybirdy’ can experience a life together that is happy, loving and trusting!

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All this and much much more awaits you just a click away! Hurry up & Subscribe to the Parrot Training Course to know the secret ways to own a well-behaved and docile pet Parrot.

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Let me assure you that this Training Course has some major things in store for you. Here's a peek :

orange-tickEffectively handle your Cockatoo‘s biting habits

orange-tickUnderstanding your Cockatoo‘s body language to save your fingers

orange-tickSuccessfully potty train your Cockatoo so that he poops at the right place where you want it to

orange-tickControl your Cockatoo‘s window-splitting screams

orange-tickTame your Cockatoo by setting proper rules and limitations

orange-tickImprove your Cockatoo‘s health with balanced & proper nutritious diet